Privacy Policy

Last Updated: November 1, 2022

Please email with any questions.

Welcome to the Call In Your People website ( (referred to herein as the “Site”). Call In Your People (“we”, “us”, or “our”) is a private therapy and community dialogue practice. These Terms of Use (“Terms”) govern the relationship between you, a user of the Service (“you” or “your”), and Call In Your People regarding your access and use of the Site, related Call In Your People services and other materials (“Products”), and all related web pages, materials, information, photos, or documentation associated with the Site and Products (all collectively, the “Service”). Your access to and use of the Service is conditioned upon your acceptance of these Terms and any additional terms that may be provided or presented to you when you use certain features of the Service, all of which are incorporated into these Terms by this reference. Please review these Terms carefully.

This Site is hosted by Squarespace. Squarespace collects personal data when you visit this Site, including:

  • Information about your browser, network and device

  • Web pages you visited prior to coming to this Site

  • Web pages you view while on this Site

  • Your IP address

Squarespace needs the data to run this Site, and to protect and improve its platform and services. Squarespace analyzes the data in a de-personalized form.

This Site uses cookies and similar technologies, which are small files or pieces of text that download to a device when a visitor accesses a website or app. For information about viewing the cookies dropped on your device, visit The cookies Squarespace uses.

This information may also include details about your use of this Site, including:

  • Clicks

  • Internal links

  • Pages visited

  • Scrolling

  • Searches

  • Timestamps

We share this information with Squarespace, our Site analytics provider, to learn about site traffic and activity.

When you submit information to this Site via webform, we collect the data requested in the webform in order to track and respond to your submissions. We share this information with Squarespace, our online store hosting provider, so that they can provide website services to us. We also share this information with Google Suite of services for storage.

This Site serves font files from and renders fonts using Google Fonts and Adobe Fonts. To properly display this site to you, these third parties may receive personal information about you, including:

  • Information about your browser, network, or device

  • Information about this Site and the page you’re viewing on it

  • Your IP address

You may not copy or distribute any part of the Service without our express prior written permission. You agree not to alter any copyright or other notices that appear on the Service. Permission to copy or distribute any Products available through the Service or us that are owned or copyrighted by others must be obtained from the third party that owns such content. 

The Service may contain links to information and other websites (“Linked Sites”) that we think may be of interest to you. We do not endorse or sponsor any Linked Sites, and we have no control over and are not liable or responsible for the content of Linked Sites. Remember that when you link to or share content on another website, that other website is governed by its own terms of use and privacy policy, which you should read and understand. Access to and use of any Linked Sites is solely at your own risk.

You may access the Service if and when it is available. We do not guarantee availability of the Service. The Service may occasionally be down for service, upgrades, or for other reasons. We apologize for any inconvenience that may cause. To the maximum extent authorized under applicable law, we reserve the right to change, remove, delete, restrict, block access to, or stop providing any or all of the Service at any time and without notice. We have no obligation to provide support in relation to the Service.

To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law: (a) your use of the service is at your sole risk; (b) the service is provided “as is”, “with all faults”, and “as available”, and the entire risk of use and performance remains with you; and (c) we do not make any representations, warranties, or conditions, express, implied, or statutory, and hereby disclaim any and all warranties with respect to the service, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties or conditions of merchantability, merchantable quality, quality or fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement.  In particular, we make no representation or warranty that the service: (I) will meet your needs or expectations; (ii) will be available or provided on an uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free basis; (iii) will be accurate, complete, or reliable; or (iv) will be free from viruses, worms, or other harmful or malicious components, nor do we warrant that any defects or errors on the service will be corrected.

We are not providing legal advice and you should not rely on any information we provide without consulting an attorney.

To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law and to the extent they are not excluded or disclaimed in other portions of this privacy policy and terms of use statement, our maximum, aggregate liability to you, and your exclusive remedy under these terms for any and all damages, injuries, and losses arising from any and all claims and causes of action arising out of, based on, resulting from, or in any way related to the service or these terms shall be limited to five dollars ($5.00). The existence of multiple claims or suits under or related to the service or these terms will not enlarge or extend the limitation of money damages.

To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, you acknowledge and agree that your use of the service may involve risks that could result in bodily injury or death, including, but not limited to, risks that may arise from the acts of others and other risks beyond the control of Call In Your People. You voluntarily release, waive, discharge, and hold harmless Call In Your People and its directors, officers, and employees from any and all claims, demands, or causes of action for bodily injury, wrongful death, or other claims arising from or relating to your access to or use of (or inability to access or use) the service. This limitation of liability does not apply to liability resulting from gross negligence or willful misconduct.

You hereby agree to defend, indemnify, and hold Call In Your People, its directors, officers, employees, agents, partners, and licensors harmless and will keep them indemnified from any third-party claims or demands, liabilities, damages, judgments, awards, losses, costs, expenses, and fees (including reasonable attorneys’ fees), relating to, arising from, or allegedly arising from: (a) your access or use of the Service; (b) any act, omission, negligence, or misconduct by you; (c) any violation by you of these Terms; or (d) your violation of any other party’s rights or applicable law. Call In Your People reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter subject to indemnification by you, in which case you will fully corporate with Call In Your People in asserting any available defenses.

We reserve the right to change these Terms at any time, in our sole discretion, upon notice to you. We may give notice by posting updated Terms through the Service, sending you an email, or by other reasonable means. When we change these Terms, we may require you to accept the updated Terms to continue using the Service. If you do not accept the updated Terms, you may continue using the Service under the Terms you previously accepted; however, certain parts of the Service may not be available to you. The updated Terms are binding on you on the effective date indicated at the top of these Terms.

If any provision of these terms is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal, invalid, or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of these terms will remain in full force and effect. You may not assign, transfer, or sublicense your rights, if any, under these terms without our prior written consent. If, at any time, we fail to respond to a breach of these terms by you or others, such failure will not waive our right to act with respect to subsequent or similar breaches. A waiver will only be binding on us if it is in writing and signed by us. These terms (including any incorporated terms or policies) constitute the entire agreement between you and Call In Your People with respect to your access and use of the service.  You and Call In Your People warrant to each other that, in entering these terms, neither you nor Call In Your People have relied on or will have any right or remedy based upon any statement, representation, warranty, or assurance other than those expressly stated in these terms. The preceding sentence will not limit or exclude any liability that cannot be limited or excluded under applicable law. No one other than you and Call In Your People or Call In Your People’s successors and permitted assigns, will have any right to enforce any of these terms. You and Call In Your People agree that any cause of action arising out of or related to the service must commence within one year after the cause of action accrues; otherwise, such cause of action is permanently barred.